The Adjustment
The chiropractic adjustment consists of a short, quick thrust to one specific joint at a time. This restores normal range of motion, alleviates pain, and thus releases local muscle spasms. Due to compensatory movement patterns, the entire spine will always be examined as well as any concerning limbs. Any areas of restriction of motion will be treated.
Skilled spinal manipulation is not normally painful. Sometimes, certain aspects can be momentarily uncomfortable; however, chiropractic treatment is often sought out because of its overall effectiveness in reducing pain. Most animals thoroughly enjoy the treatment: it is quite common for them to become increasingly relaxed as the treatment progresses, even to the point of becoming sleepy!
It is a common misconception that chiropractic adjustments involve bones being ‘out of place’ and the chiropractor ‘puts them back’. This is not the case. A bone actually being out of place would involve a complete or partial dislocation with severe ligament damage and a very unstable joint with detrimental effects on the nervous system. Chiropractic is safe because it only works within the normal anatomic limits of a joint hence ligaments are never being overstretched.
No mallets will ever be used to adjust any animal, including horses. All adjustments are done by hand. If you see someone using a technique that causes you concern, please check their credentials for proper education from an accredited animal chiropractic college.
How Many Adjustments
After Care