

What do you get a 17 year old dog for her birthday?  On a whim I booked Kalina for an at-home chiropractic session.  It changed Cricket’s life.  We are regular clients now.  Cricket stays up hours later, squeaks her toys twice as often, and zooms through her walks.  She is younger in every way.  The chiropractic helped greatly when she fell out of bed and was stiff and sore.  I am delighted with Kalina’s work and Cricket does a happy dance every time.

Diane, Beaverton OR

I took my dog to our trusted family vet when he became unable to walk. After an examination and some x-rays, the vet determined he had a slipped disc in his back. They sent us home with pain killers and muscle relaxers and said that we would have to consider putting him down if that didn’t work. When things slip out of place in my back, I go to the chiropractor instead of considering suicide so I did a search for chiropractors for my dog and found Kalina Scherer. She came over to our house to treat Corwin and has a loving and gentle approach that put him at ease. After some massage and subtle manipulation, he immediately felt better and was able to resume normal activities. We had a follow up visit and he regained all his mobility and was back to his old self. Kalina saved my dog’s life and I will definitely call on her to treat any of my pets. I highly recommend her!
Annie, Portland OR

“I contacted, Dr. Scherer about my sweet little rescued cat, Felicia.  She seemed touchy and irritable. Her Vet said that she had experienced an injury in her leg, prior to being rescued and coming to live with me.
After one treatment, Felicia is acting and moving like a cat.  She’s able to play with my two other cats.  She is no longer cranky or wanting to be by herself.  She now interacts with all of our family and is a pure joy to be around.  This one treatment helped to restore this little girl’s with a questionable past.  Felicia can now move forward in her life in more ways than one.

Dr. Scherer also treated my boy cat Gus, who stuffs with allergies and a stuffy nose.  His adjustment helped his stuffy nose and he’s acting like a kitten again.

Thank you, Dr. Scherer!” – DeeDee

DeeDee, Portland OR

About a year and a half ago, my (then 9-year-old) yellow lab, “Tug” was walking with a limp which gradually worsened, then suddenly he was howling in pain, his leg in spasms and losing control of his bladder. It was terrifying!  An emergency animal hospital treated him for pain and suggested I take him to a veterinary neurologist where they gave him more serious pain relief, and recommended diagnostic tests which would incur more huge expense with no guaranteed result or affordable remedy. This prompted me to wonder if there was such a thing as chiropractic for dogs. 
Fortunately, I found Portland Animal Chiropractic and Dr. Kalina Scherer’s website. I was glad this was a mobile service since Tug could barely tolerate being in the car.
Dr. Scherer came to my home, and Tug immediately took to her. She calmed him with gentle massage and soothing talk, then gently manipulated his muscles and spine.
I could see that, after one session, Tug was remarkably improved. (Incidentally, he loved Dr. Scherer)!  With a few more sessions, he was active and joyful and running like a young dog!
I found Dr. Scherer’s fees to be very reasonable. Tug is now almost 11 years old and, with an occasional “tune up” is still very active and happy. I believe Dr. Scherer is gifted at what she does, and we are so lucky to have found her!

Kate, Portland OR

Dr. Kalina Scherer is knowledgable, compassionate, and effective chiropractor. It is a pleasure to work along side with her and my clients absolutely rave about her work. I have seen the extraordinary benefits that horses have gained after a session with Kalina. I appreciate her special attention to detail and her well documented reports at the end of a session. She has proven to be a pivotal member in both the equine and canine community, and I absolutely stand behind her work. I highly recommend her services to anyone in need of animal chiropractic care. Thank you for all that you do, Kalina! 

Sabina Pariser, Founder of West Winds Equine Massage

Running into you was the very best thing that could have happened for Jake and Luke, let alone their owners. After a trip to the veterinarian, we were told there was nothing we could do for Lukey except put him down and out of his misery. Then someone told us about Dr. Scherer. Our dogs do not know a lot of English but when we mention Kalina they start jumping all over in excitement. Their beloved healer is returning once again.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping both Jake and Luke.
With deepest appreciation, 

Sandy, King City OR

We have been fortunate to have Kalina work on our dogs on several occasions at our home. She has always been prompt, courteous and our dogs love her. But more importantly she has made a significant improvement in our dog’s quality of life. I have shared the reports and diagrams with both my chiropractor and our animal’s vet, and they were equally impressed. I have referred her to many friends and will continue to do so in the future. – Mark

Mark, Corneilius OR